Giovanna Gandini   VISUAL ARTIST

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2001  Anagni, POLISGRAMMA - Post Post Scriptum - Tazebao d'Artista Frammenti
(Inject on paper, cm 100x140)
2001 Milano, Fiera Milano International, Biberon d'artista Biberon macrobiotico
(sculpture cm 40x20x20)
Roma, Lavatoio Contumaciale, Omaggio a Marinetti La macchina del tempo
(inkjet on paper)
Roma, Liceo Majorana, Incontri d'arte contemporanea Poster cm 100x140
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2000  Roma, POLISGRAMMA 
"Post Post Scriptum" 
Manifesto d'Artista 
Post Post Opera -"Fragmenta" is the original opera. Post opera is the subsequent event 
(Inkject on paper, cm 100x140)
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New York, Egizio's Project - 
Object trouvé N. 2
(Clichet in plexiglass + inkjet on paper cm 40x30)
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2000  . Alessandria, Manifestazione di Pittura  - Progetto A. Firpo  - "Nutrice Altrice" Via lattea
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New York, Egizio's Project - "Man"  Object trouvé
(clicjet in plexiglass + inkjet on paper cm 60x40)
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Barcelona, Maeght Gallery "Encuentro Plástico del Campo Freudiano"
Fragmenta - simultaneity of adjacent images - perception of scattered fragments - illusion of molteplicity. Fragments of a city - city of fragments 
(mixed media, cm 180x145)
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Naples, Maschio Angioino "Assenza d'Ombra"
Big Bang - black globe of obscurity / saturated with vibrations / receptacle of secret light / sparse globes / white of all colors / contaminated by time
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Milan, Stelline Palace, "Tracce dell'oggetto assente"
Imprints- an old travelling bag with an old film / an old travelling bag with the imprints of time / silent companion of far away wanderings / holder of lost memories / as an old faded movie / reality made of celluloid / shadow of past events registered on the tape of time
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Bassano in Teverina "Stelle Cadenti"
Net- net of divide over which key signs can be read which open the access to liberation 
(mixed media, cm 140x120)
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Rome, Nerva Forum, Forum Transitorium
Archeology of sign - vecchi clichet come testimoni fedeli di atti effimeri o significanti di comunicazioni lontane. Significati deformati dalla lente del tempo. Archeologia del segno riscoperto, rivisitazione di memorie antiche come pietre di civiltà trascorse affioranti da strati sepolti
(mixed media,cm 800x160)
Vienna, Wuk-Offener Projectraum, Polisgramma in Wien
Urban tracings - the lines / cross / the white of the canvass / as / first traces / of an urban plan
(plaster on plaster, cm 25x30)
Polisgramma, Città - Molteplicità e Istantaneità di immagini, Politecnico di Milano, Facoltà di Architettura
Light city
(jute on metal plate, plaster and polichrome elements, cm 200x123)
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Polisgramma Atto III, Intervento presso la Stazione 
   Termini, Rome
Progetto per facciate cieche
(polichrome wood elements, cm 115x155)
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Polisgramma, Intervento presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome
Lacerazioni del tessuto urbano
(jute, plaster, metal elements, color pigments, cm 390x100)

